What is La Silla Roja?
La Silla Roja (LSR) is a Global Citizenship Education campaign that works to defend the right to education for the over 244 million children and youth worldwide who are still out of school. La Silla Roja (or The Red Chair, in English) is a symbol of the right to quality and inclusive education and calls attention to the impact a lack of access to education has on personal and communal development.
What is the campaign?
The campaign is a three-part challenge designed by Magis Americas’ Global Citizenship Education Team to be implemented in Jesuit schools. The theme for La Silla Roja campaign in 2022 is Building Community, Building Hope. Together we will explore how our centers for education demonstrate the Ignatian value of Cura Personalis, care and concern for the whole person, and how they address students’ many needs in addition to their education.
Be Part of the Movement!
Participate in defending the right to access quality and inclusive education and choose to #BuildCommunityBuildHope. Sign up your school here and get started with our action packet and lesson plans in both English and Spanish.
If you’d like to learn more or want to connect with us for further collaboration, please reach out to Allison Doerr at a.doerr@magisamericas.org.