Education is the most powerful tool to break the fateful cycle of poverty, inequality and exclusion.
Support Education Programs
Education as a powerful tool for social change
Alongside partners such as Fe y Alegría, UCA Managua and Centro Ignacio Ellacuría, we are committed to promoting access to quality and inclusive education opportunities for people living in marginalized and impoverished communities, or as Fe y Alegría founder Fr. José María Vélaz would say, “where the asphalt ends”.
children and youth are still out of school worldwide.
had no access to remote learning during the COVID-19 pandemic.
children have lost access to school meals since the start of the pandemic.
What does a right to education mean
Access to education means access to opportunity and a life of dignity in which individuals can recognize their full potential. It also means breaking the cycle of perpetual poverty and inclusion for marginalized groups.
Where the right to education is guaranteed, people have greater access to enjoy other rights. Quality, inclusive education is the best foundation to improving people’s lives and ensuring sustainable human development.
What are we doing about it?
Magis Americas partners with local Jesuit organizations to highlight the importance of quality and inclusive education.
How? By promoting programs that support individual and community involvement and ensuring governments fulfill their political obligations to education.
We speak from experience – together with our partners we have a combined 70+ years of experience promoting quality, inclusive education for those living at the margins.
Implementing Partners