Latin American Jesuits launch “Déjate Abrazar”


“Our Mother Amazon wants to tell us something … let’s embrace her.”

With the upcoming Special Assembly of the Synod of Bishops for the Pan-Amazonian Region less than four months away, the Conference of Jesuit Provincials of Latin America and the Caribbean (CPAL) is launching a regional campaign to “embrace” our Mother Earth.

Organized by the Claver Network, with special support from the Peru Province, “Déjate Abrazar” aims to raise awareness on the primary issues affecting the Amazon, as well as highlight the work of the Society in the region. The campaign will also serve as the Claver Network’s first regional fundraising campaign.

“In keeping with the renewed impetus that Pope Francis has given to the work of the Church in the Amazon, Jesuits in Latin America have been strengthening our mission in the region through Jesuit Pan-Amazon Service (SJPAM), from which we articulate and energize our work together with indigenous communities, the Catholic Church and various development actors,” CPAL said in a statement.

“Although important steps have been taken in this work, new resources are needed today to continue fighting for the preservation of life in the region.”

Among those in attendance for today’s campaign launch will be Alfredo Vizcarra S.J., Bishop of the Vicariate of Jaén; Roberto Jaramillo S.J., president of CPAL; Alfredo Ferro S.J., director of SJPAM; Anitalia Pijachi, indigenous leader and Pan-Amazonian Ecclesial Network (REPAM) collaborator; and Ernesto Cavassa S.J., rector of Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya (UARM) and president of the Network of Jesuit Universities of Latin America (AUSJAL).

“Déjate Abrazar” will launch from UARM in Lima, Peru. A live-stream will begin at 10:30am EDT on Facebook and Instagram.

[Click here to read the original press release in Spanish.]