Key Metrics

  • 50%
    of students finish secondary school
  • 13%
    of Nicaraguans lack access to safe water
  • 50%
    of children live in poverty
  • 10.8%
    of the population has emigrated to other countries

Current Situation

Nicaragua is the largest country in Central America. Its breathtaking geographic features of volcanoes, lakes, and beaches make it a cherished home. However, various problems plague Nicaragua, including poverty, political unrest, corruption, and violence. Increasingly authoritarian government movements since 2018 have contributed to the suspension of democratic norms and an increase in human rights abuses. As a result, many flee the country, primarily migrating south to Costa Rica where they have more opportunities for their families.

Many children in Nicaragua suffer from malnourishment and are prone to illness. For those who can attend school, additional challenges exist within the educational structure. Schools are overcrowded, teaching materials are insufficient, many teachers are underpaid, and schools are underfunded.

Environmentally, lack of access to water is one of the greatest challenges as over 800,000 Nicaraguans cannot access drinking water. Storms deplete Nicaragua of its natural resources and deforestation plagues the country with an estimated 33% loss of forest cover from 2002-2020. Nicaragua is home to the Bosawás Biosphere Reserve, the largest protected tropical mountain moist forest north of the Amazon Basin, which indigenous groups of this region depend on for farming crops and water.

The Solution

Supporting educational structures and community projects to provide families with resources to care for their children remains crucial. Our partners at our Fe y Alegría enact projects to care for the health of the community and rebuild schools devastated by hurricanes. We also partner with Universidad Centroamericana Managua and support higher education for the continued strengthening of the workforce and to provide opportunities for higher education for many rural as well as vulnerable students.

Our Partners

Our partners in Nicaragua include Red Jesuita con Migrantes, UCA Managua, and Fe y Alegría.