“To me, the Silla Roja represents all the work we have to do and the steps we have to take for those 263 million youth that don’t go to school.”

– A Georgetown Prep High School Student

This year, 8 Jesuit schools across the United States participated in La Silla Roja project, learning about the importance of the right to education and raising awareness in their school communities. La Silla Roja is a campaign that was initially launched by our partners, Entreculturas – Fe y Alegría Spain in 2012 and has since spread to several countries. The goal of the campaign is to highlight the 263 million children and youth around the world who are still unable to attend school.  

Here’s a video that we prepared to say thank you to all who made this year a success:

Entreculturas, together with our partners at Educate Magis helped support the spread of this campaign to new schools, engaging their extensive online network. As a result, more schools in Spain, Malta, Italy, Ireland, United States, Canada, Ecuador, Argentina and Zimbabwe joined this growing global education campaign. The “Global Red Chair Project” was also promoted through regional and international Jesuit education networks, such as Jesuit Schools Network in the U.S., and it was the second most discussed conversation on Educate Magis’ website. A badge was even created to recognize and thank the schools that participated in the project.



We are getting ready for next year and looking forward to reaching even more schools in the U.S. If you are interested in learning more about how to participate from the United States, write Erika Meyer (e.meyer@feyalegria.us) and check out the materials available on our website.