A group of young leaders from Immaculata-Lasalle High School in Miami, Florida, worked together to raise funds, goods and supplies for the educational project of Fe y Alegría in Venezuela, an institution with a long history and social commitment dedicated to the right to education for more than 6 decades in Latin America, Africa and Europe.
The group of students, led by Antonio Briceño, a Venezuelan youth, founded a club of friends of Fe y Alegría. They collected 55 backpacks with notebooks, pencils, and crayons and are supporting Venezuela by contributing to the School Nutrition Program.
We want to express our gratitude and congratulate the youth, faculty, and families at Immaculata-Lasalle High School in Miami for promoting the right to education for the most vulnerable. Their initiative is an excellent example of what great things can be done when a small group of people gather together to defend the right to education for those in most need.