
The Padre Luís María Olaso Center for Peace and Human Rights at the Central University of Venezuela (UCV) and the Canadian Embassy have named Trina Bajo winner of the 8th annual Human Rights Awards. Trina, who was in shock when she received news of the award, was nominated by a colleague that knew about her selfless and silent work and who wanted her labor to be valued.

Trina Bajo radiates faith through her actions, through her lovely smile and through the strength of her words. She has dedicated herself to Fe y Alegría’s work for the last 38 years. Trina has worked with the most excluded populations and has worked towards social transformation through justice, respect and solidarity Christian values.

During her speech, Trina addressed the attendees saying, “we all defend human rights”. Throughout her career, she has fought step by step to guarantee the rights of children and teenagers as the director and teacher of a Fe y Alegría school in Caracas. Trina’s career first started at the Don Pedro school in San Agustín, before moving on to the Padre Manuel Aguirre (La Bombilla neighborhood) and María Inmaculada (Unión neighborhood) schools.

She received the award with a natural, sober and joyful attitude and she then gave a speech that showed her sensitivity and her bravery. The award includes a visit to Canada to meet with universities, with Canadian human rights organizations and with government authorities. She will also get to tour different cities around Venezuela to share her experience as a human rights defender.

During this edition, four individuals received special mention from the jury: José Gregorio Delgado –advocate from escuela de Vecinos, UNIANDES[1] –, William Requejo Orobio – from Unión Vecinal para la Participación Ciudadana[2] –, Kerlys Hernández de Parra – from Fe y Alegría, Centro Gumilla and Centro al Servicio de la Acción Popular[3] (CESAP,  Barquisimeto) – and Henderson Colina – from Asociación Ecologista para la Preservación Ambiental del Estado Falcón[4] (AEPA-FALCÓN) –.


[1] Neighborhood School

[2] Neighbors’ union for community engagement

[3] Center for Popular Action

[4] Environmental association for the environmental preservation of the state of Falcón (Venezuela)

This piece was originally published in Radio Noticias Fe y Alegría Venezuela. (Click here to view the original article in Spanish.)