Key Metrics

  • 35%
    of Colombians live in poverty
  • 89%
    of the internally displaced resettle from rural to urban areas
  • 53%
    of Colombia is covered with natural forests
  • 42%
    of adults have attained secondary education

Current Situation

Colombia is a biodiverse and culturally rich country, but has been affected by a decades-long internal conflict resulting in a disparity between urban and rural populations. More recently, Colombia has faced a growing external challenge, as the economic and humanitarian crises plaguing Venezuela have led to the migration of more than 1 million people across Colombia’s border with its eastern neighbor. Although access to education in Colombia has increased over the past several years, the education system in Colombia is dogged by inequalities among students of low-income and rural households.

Refugees and internally displaced persons have significantly impacted Colombia over the past several years. Due to the economic and political crisis in Venezuela, over 1.8 million Venezuelans have claimed asylum or are recognized as refugees. Colombia hosts the world’s second largest internally displaced persons population (surpassed only by Syria) that includes over 9 million internally displaced persons due to the conflicts between government, paramilitary groups, and drug traffickers.

The ecology in Colombia is fragile as deforestation, soil erosion, internal conflict areas, in conjunction with illicit drug crops grown in national parks present multi-layered challenges and responses. In urban areas, especially Bogotá, air pollution is especially prevalent. It will remain imperative for the country to address these issues and protect the many areas of biodiversity and rich ecosystems.

The Solution

Our partners in Colombia are working with youth networks to create teams for peace building and community action. Fe y Alegría Colombia organizes students to participate in workshops to strengthen socio-political capacities, and creates systems for reflection and action that will be used for national human rights events. Together with Fe y Alegría, we are supporting schools, teachers, and local businesses to train and educate young people in technological careers and internships to allow them to achieve stable careers in the country along with contributing to the local economy.

Our Partners

Our partners in Colombia include Fe y Alegría.