The word magis is not uncommon within the Jesuit world. In fact, I’d argue that it’s one of the most used words, if not the most used word, within the Society of Jesus. There are “Magis Groups” at Jesuit high schools, “Magis Retreats” at Jesuit parishes, and even “Magis Donor Levels” at Jesuit nonprofits. It’s a word so ingrained within Jesuit circles, that it’s often easy to forget its meaning and its power.
Magis (pronounced “màh-gis”) is a Latin word that means “more” or “greater”. Within the Society of Jesus it is closely related to the Jesuits’ motto ad majorem Dei gloriam, another Latin phrase meaning “for the greater glory of God”. Thus, magis refers to the philosophy of doing more for Christ and, as a result, for others. Women and men for and with others.
At Magis Americas, magis signifies our efforts to foster, support, and accompany our Jesuit partners in the Global South, especially in Latin America and the Caribbean, as they strive toward the construction of just, dignified, and equitable societies.
This word also alludes to our efforts to continually strengthen our operations. Whether it’s improving our work with partners in Latin America to ensure access to quality and inclusive education or increasing our ability to translate the needs of those partners into opportunities for collaboration with individuals and groups here in the U.S., we are committed to evolving and adapting to change in a concerted effort to do more for and with others.
This year has forced us all to evolve and adapt to change. On an individual and community level these changes provide the opportunity for renewal and growth. The same is true at Magis Americas. Within the last three months our team has grown and we have undergone a reflection of our organizational identity and how we should be communicating that identity to others. As part of that analysis, I am pleased to announce the launch of a new logo.
Our new logo is inspired by three elements:
(1) the three pillars of our work: education (red), migration (yellow), and ecology (green);
(2) a circle, representing our conviction that each of the three pillars of our work are equally important in ensuring all people grow and live in just and equitable societies; and
(3) a puzzle, which represents the many challenges we will face as we work toward our vision of a world in which all people have their rights upheld, their dignity protected, and the capacity to act as protagonists in their individual and communal development.
As we begin this next phase of our journey, I invite you to join us as we continue to promote sustainable and impactful responses to the injustices faced by those living at the margins of exclusion.