Peace Action Contest

January 30th is the School Day of Non-violence and Peace, a day to reflect on the importance of promoting peace and equality in our communities.

This year, we invite you to participate in the first ever Peace Action Contest, where students will work collaboratively to present an advocacy/awareness-raising campaign idea that promotes peace-building skills within their school community. Innovative ideas will be shared with the broader Jesuit Schools Network and the winner of the contest will be invited to present their plan at the Fe y Alegría Global Youth Conference to be held in Madrid, Spain in February 2020.

The deadline for ideas is February 20th and winners will be announced on March 15th.

Student Learning Objectives

Promote reflection on possible attitudes or core values that can prevent violence in today’s societies and the importance of building nonviolent responses to conflict resolution.

Encourage participants to identify themselves as peacebuilders in their community by identifying daily actions that they can put into practice to promote peace building skills in their environments.

Invite students to feel part of a larger network of Jesuit-educated youth working for justice in their schools, communities, and around the world.


Students develop an advocacy and/or awareness-raising campaign promoting peace building skills within their school community. Winning project ideas will be shared with the broader Jesuit Schools Network and receive recognition through the Educate Magis platform.

Students will create a logo/slogan, a written plan, and provide an audio-visual/artististic presentation using any form they choose (drama, song, graphic art, sculpture, design, video, infographic, etc.) to advocate for a specific value in their community that fosters non-violence and peace building related to the topics of care for the environment, social inequality/poverty, and gender equity.

Students and evaluators will follow the attached rubric for evaluation guidelines.


This activity will take place over at least two sessions of one hour each, susceptible to change based on the number of participants and school schedule.

If your students would like to participate in the contest, please send selected planning sheets to or have students complete this form by February 20th, 2019 and a group of evaluators from Friends of Fe y Alegría and the Jesuit Schools Network will review and based on the criteria, select and announce the winning project idea by March 15th, 2019. 

For more information and guidelines on this contest, take a look at the lesson plan: Peace Action Contest

Questions? Send Erika Meyer a message at