• 93%
    literacy rate in 2019
  • 19.9%
    poverty rate in 2021
  • 190%
    increase in migrant population from 2018-2019
  • 14%
    of the global forest lost occurred in Brazil


As Latin America’s largest country, Brazil is experiencing a myriad of social, political, and economic issues each of which exacerbates income and education inequalities across various regions. In 2019, the government decided to cut funding for education by $87 million. In 2021, another $539,946,000 was cut from the basic education budget. These cuts also increase the wide disparities across different regions in terms of resources, access, and quality of education.

The political and economic crisis in neighboring Venezuela—marked by hyperinflation, goods shortages, hunger, and violence—has driven growing numbers to seek asylum in Brazil. The number of refugees in Brazil jumped to 32,844, a 190.55% increase, between 2018 and 2019. Legislation gives refugees the right to obtain official documentation, request medical assistance, apply for a permanent visa, work, study, and access public medical care. A recent movement, Regularization Now, calls for sweeping legislation that grants residency to all immigrants, regardless of their current status. This movement aims to combat xenophobia and discrimination in the citizenship process.

Lower-income populations in Brazil continue to be disproportionately affected by severe climate events and unequal access to education and resources. Coupled with the fact that drug trafficking, corruption, and domestic violence are prevalent in underprivileged areas, the gap between the wealthy and poor segments of society continues to grow.


Our local partners’ efforts focus on supporting those at the margins, working to ensure they have their rights protected. Partnering with Fé e Alegria, migrant families are receiving monthly financial assistance as well as support to purchase food and hygiene kits. The rights of migrants and their dignity is promoted by the network of schools ensuring access to education for their children and providing financial counseling and nutrition consultation.


Our partners in Brazil include Fé e Alegria and Serviço Jesuíta a Migrantes e Refugiados.