
(Foto credit: Kelly Olson)

As the new school year begins, we at Friends of Fe y Alegría in the United States are reminded of the millions of children and adolescents worldwide who are unable, for a variety of factors, to attend school. According to a new policy paper by UNESCO, there are around 263 million girls, boys and young people out-of-school around the globe. Of that staggering number, 61 million, almost a quarter, are between the ages of 6 to 11 years old.

As global citizens, we have a shared and universal responsibility to defend the right of all people to access inclusive, quality education. To this end, Friends of Fe y Alegría offers teachers and educators global education materials to easily and appropriately incorporate the idea of global citizenship into their classrooms.

Starting with La Silla Roja, we invite students, teachers and administrators to paint, repurpose or buy—or whatever creative method you can think of—a red chair to represent the importance of quality, inclusive education and the right that we all have—including the 263 million children and youth currently out-of-school—to learn, to be different and to go to school.

Seak with your students, talk among your classmates and use our Classroom Kit to answer how you at your school can promote the right to education for all.

To learn more about our global education initiatives, including access to lesson plans, please visit: