Living in Solidarity When Distances are Far

Among the blessings in my life as a Jesuit are the many relationships I’ve developed around the world. Solidarity is a central aspect of our Catholic faith, especially solidarity with those on the margins. Relationships with Jesuits and Jesuit ministries in the United States and abroad have helped me to make that solidarity concrete. I’ve had the opportunity to visit Jesuit ministries doing incredibly inspiring work, often in very difficult contexts. These connections serve as a consoling reminder of our shared mission, regardless of whatever borders may lie between us.

For several years, for example, the Nicaraguan government has been repressing peaceful demonstrations, incarcerating political prisoners, and even “disappearing” opposition figures. Students and faculty members of the Jesuit Universidad Centroamericana (UCA) in Managua have been targeted—on multiple occasions forces allied with the government have violently opposed peaceful protesters at the university campus. The university has also suffered serious financial and administrative repercussions from the government. The UCA president, Fr. Chepe Idiaquez, SJ, has been subject to death threats. While this is not a risk we Jesuits typically face in North America, it is an honor to support the vital work of Fr. Chepe and others like him standing up to repressive governments in Central America.

In Venezuela as well, it is remarkable to witness the persistent efforts of Jesuit ministries amidst years of turmoil and societal collapse. The number that brought home to me the severity of the situation there was “20” – it was reported in 2018 that in a single year the average Venezuelan had lost 20 pounds in body weight due to food shortages and the economic crisis. Yet Jesuits’ vital work continues, including the independent social analysis of Centro Gumilla and education of those living at the margins by the 176 Fe y Alegria schools across the country.

The Fe y Alegria model that was developed in Venezuela has taken root across Latin America and the Caribbean. Fe y Alegría, or “Foi et Joie”, is also present in Haiti, another country that has suffered greatly. These schools offer education and vocational training opportunities to children and adults. At the St. Ignace de Loyola School, for example, students learn about ecology, agriculture, and business through a beekeeping initiative, which they can then practice with their parents at their own homes. By integrating education, ecology, and economy, this project aims to improve the quality of life of their students, their families, and the surrounding community. The children gain important and practical knowledge and experience along with the chance to earn some additional income for their family.

The COVID pandemic has both exposed and exacerbated many existing injustices within the United States and around the world. Watching news reports can make these challenges feel simultaneously very close and very distant. The stories, photos, and videos may be compelling, but the people and situations depicted are also foreign. How to live out the solidarity our Catholic faith calls us to when the distances are so great, the differences so stark? Jesuit networks help us to bridge that divide. Most Americans have never visited Nicaragua, but if you’ve attended a Jesuit parish, school, or university, then you have a connection with Fr. Chepe and the struggles of UCA Managua, just as you do to Jesuit ministries in Venezuela, Haiti, and all around the world. We may be working within different social realities, but we all share one mission of reconciliation and justice, grounded in, and united by, our faith in Christ.

The work that the wider international Jesuit network does, connects us. Maintaining our focus on a greater common mission leads us in solidarity with each other even when we are far apart. Organizations such as Magis Americas serve to bridge this distance, as they collaborate with other Jesuit institutions like UCA Managua and Fe y Alegría, creating a connection not only in faith but in how we carry out our faith and commitment to caring for our fellow brothers and sisters.

Linguistic Equality, a Precondition for Economic and Political Equity

In May of 2016, Dr. Michel DeGraff, responded to Danielle Allen’s, Director of Harvard’s Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics, Professor of Government and Education, essay on What is Education For? He focused on linguistic equality as a precondition for political and economical equity. His response was originally posted on the Boston Review.

Danielle Allen’s essay provides added inspiration for my efforts to help solve an education-and-equality challenge in Haiti, a country with one of the highest rates of inequality. As director of the MIT-Haiti Initiative and a founding member of the Haitian Creole Academy, my work in Haiti has led me to more deeply understand linguistic equality as a precondition for the economic and political equity that Allen seeks.

The creation and dissemination of knowledge, especially STEM knowledge, in local vernaculars can advance both economic and political equality. Indeed, home vernaculars are necessary for universal access to high-quality education. Unless they are utilized in education, there are many children who will never grow to participate in the political system, ensuring the perpetuation of a cycle in which the poorest are blocked from shaping the distribution of social, economic, and political capital. The humanities, together with STEM disciplines, can help break down this barrier, as we are doing in Haiti through the MIT-Haiti Initiative.

For centuries now, the Haitian state has failed the vast majority of Haitians on both the economic and political fronts. Language is at the heart of the problem. In spite of the Haitian Constitution’s recognition of both Kreyòl and French as official languages—and its stated view that Kreyòl is “the one language that binds all Haitians together”—the primary language for instruction and examination in Haiti remains French. Yet at least 95 percent of Haitians speak only Kreyòl. How does this work? The answer is, it doesn’t.

The use of French in schools systematically privileges children of French-speaking families, and it penalizes those who come from communities in which only Kreyòl is spoken. The system thus offers no possibility for equal economic opportunity. Nor does it deliver what Allen calls participatory readiness: the state, the schools, and many segments of civil society convey to children the unambiguous message that they can become fully active “citizens” only if they can speak fluent French—an alienating and impossible task for most Haitian children, especially given their lack of opportunity for immersion in French-speaking contexts and the dearth of competent teachers.

Haitian leaders and intellectuals, including well-meaning educators, often cite two sorts of pseudoscientific arguments for maintaining French as the sole or primary medium of instruction. First, they say that children’s interests are best served through French instruction because Kreyòl, as a “young” and “still emerging” language, cannot express complex concepts in science, mathematics, philosophy, etc. Second, they claim that children who speak Kreyòl only will be isolated in a linguistic ghetto.

Among many rebuttals to these claims, my own work argues for the status of Kreyòl as a full-fledged language that has the capacity to express complex concepts, on a par with any other language. Moreover, warnings about the creation of a linguistic ghetto ignore the possibility that Kreyòl-speaking children who can build solid foundations for literacy, numeracy, and logic in their native language are on a stronger footing to learn second languages like French, English, and Spanish, alongside acquiring important knowledge in the humanities and STEM.

Finland’s superior school system, in which Finnish is used as the primary language of instruction, provides a robust refutation to the myth that local languages necessarily enclose their speakers in linguistic ghettos. Finnish, which has only 5.5 million speakers, is about twice as “local” as Kreyòl, which has more than 10 million speakers, many of them spread around the world. As anthropologist Suze Mathieu points out, there are more Kreyòl speakers in the Americas than there are French speakers—in effect making Kreyòl more of an “international” language than French, so far as the Americas are concerned.

The persistence of French as the primary language of instruction and of formal discourse in Haiti must then be viewed as an instrument of linguistic apartheid, to be analyzed from a Fanonian perspective: French is enlisted as both a marker of social and political domination and a tool for the perpetuation of this domination.

The MIT-Haiti Initiative produces digital learning tools and other educational resources in Kreyòl for active learning at advanced levels of STEM. We are already finding that teachers teach better and students learn better when the medium of instruction is Kreyòl. Our data also suggest that children become more proficient readers and writers and better learners when they learn to read in their native language.

While Allen’s argument prioritizes liberal arts over STEM as a path toward distributive justice via participative citizenship, we have seen how the production and dissemination of scientific knowledge in Kreyòl can help usher in both economic and political equality in Haiti. In one post-workshop survey for the MIT-Haiti Initiative, a physics teacher recounted how the use of active-learning tools in Kreyòl would ease students into class participation with great excitement, provoking them to ask questions and enter into debates in ways they characteristically would not when the instruction was conducted in French. In fact, the teacher admitted that when the discussions became too lively, he would silence the students by switching back to French.

Similar oppression affects speakers of vernacular dialects in the United States as well, such as speakers of African American Vernacular English. It goes so far as to affect court rulings, as in the Trayvon Martin case against George Zimmerman: the prosecution’s star witness, Rachel Jeantel, was perceived to be an unreliable witness because she spoke African American Vernacular English, rendering her effectively voiceless. Linguistic inequality thus has graver consequences than merely hobbling the interpersonal skills that enhance civic participation. Even Justice Clarence Thomas has attributed his silence on the Supreme Court to having grown up as a speaker of the Gullah variety of English.

Local languages are indispensable for participatory readiness on a global scale. But the activism needed to promote them often requires academic training that is inaccessible to the communities of their speakers. In the MIT-Haiti Initiative, we see how Kreyòl-based classroom tools and methods have the potential to shift educational outcomes toward both distributive and political equity. The initiative may well suggest that a tight collaboration between humanists, educators, scientists, mathematicians, and engineers is a winning option for all concerned. Such analysis doubles as a plea for a retooling of linguistics. This retooling would be part of the general “revision of the liberal arts curriculum” that Allen advocates. Alongside its contributions to both science and social justice, linguistics, like education and other disciplines in the humanities, has too often been used as a tool for intellectual and political domination. Yet linguistics is critical, alongside education and STEM, for tackling global challenges, especially in promoting participatory readiness and distributive justice in disenfranchised communities that speak local languages—in Haiti and beyond. As Marx said, “the task is not merely to understand the world, but to change it.”

Magis Americas Welcomes New Board of Director Members

This January, Magis Americas welcomed Joan Rosenhauer and Jenny Cafiso as new members of its Board of Directors. Both Joan and Jenny join the organization’s governance board to contribute and strengthen its mission to foster, support and accompany our Jesuit partners in the Global South, especially in Latin America and the Caribbean, as they strive toward the construction of just, dignified and equitable societies.

Magis Americas is a shared work of the Jesuit Conference of Canada and the United States (JCCU) and Conferencia de Provinciales de América Latina y el Caribe (CPAL). Its work is informed by the Universal Apostolic Preferences and the Sustainable Development Goals, reinforcing its commitment to ensuring access to quality and inclusive education, the right to migrate, and the protection of the environment.

As a former JRS/USA Board Member Joan joins Magis Americas’ Board of Directors after having spent most of her career advocating for social justice and mobilizing the U.S. Catholic community to do the same. Previously, Joan was the Executive Vice President of Catholic Relief Services (CRS), leading the organization’s outreach, marketing, and communications – helping those in the United States respond to critical needs around the world. Joan spent 16 years with the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, where she most recently served as the Associate Director of the Department of Justice, Peace, and Human Development.

Joan is a recognized leader in the international humanitarian world, she continues to relentlessly put her faith into action. She has been awarded honorary doctorates from Georgetown University, Dominican College, and St. Ambrose University.

Additionally, she holds a bachelor’s degree in social work from the University of Iowa and a master’s degree in public policy management from the University of Maryland.

Jenny’s previous experience includes the coordination of International Programs at the Jesuit Refugee Service based in Rome as well as coordinating Educational Animation at Development and Peace in Toronto. Additionally, she worked in Peru with TAREA, a popular education center working in Lima’s slums. As stated in an interview held with the Irish Jesuit Missions, “she grew up with a passion to change the world; nothing less would suffice! [She] felt her understanding of her faith called her to help create a more just world”. Jenny has traveled extensively for work in Asia, Latin America and Africa, deepening her knowledge, commitment and respect for those marginalized.

In a reflection she made in the fall of 2020, Jenny expresses that, in “times of great change, we are not all living them in the same way. As many have said, we are all in the same storm, but not in the same boat.” In a new reality in which “the pandemic and current global crisis have shown the cracks that already exist[ed] in society and further deepened them, [impacting] the most marginalized and vulnerable sectors of society…: migrants and refugees, the elderly, people working in the informal economy, people in the Global South.”

Jenny holds an MA in Political Science and a post-graduate diploma in International Humanitarian Assistance.

Join us in welcoming them both to the Magis Americas family!

Additionally, after more than four years of serving on the board, Fr. Bill Muller, S.J. will be leaving his position as Chair. We are grateful for his service and thank him for his many contributions to the organization’s growth. Fr. Ted Penton, S.J. will be assuming the role of Chair, as we look forward to this new year and the many opportunities it will bring.